Friday, 14 December 2012

Why Healthcare Can No Longer Thrive Without IT?

The opinion of people in the health IT industry on the usage of that technology is tilted more towards acceptance and towards rapid adoption is good. There are still a lot of people who question that. The reelection of President Obama to the White House will obviously mean that that the efforts which were hitherto directed towards this area will continue such the Meaningful Use incentive program. People holding critical positions are voicing their opinion on what they feel could the turn of events moving forward. HITECH, HIPAA and other health reform regulations will now be given the push by the government in order to meet the target planned for their widespread use. The providers are also expected to refocus their priorities and take actions before the statutory deadlines and. Since the republicans have retained the control over the House and the Democrats of the Senates, efforts have to be put in by both parties to find common ground since the budget allocated to this field will form an integral part of the national budget. At the provider level the audits are bound to be more stringent and with higher frequency before payments are issued.

The widespread use of IT in Healthcare has dramatically impacted the practice of medicine and physicians who have collectively acknowledged the benefits that they have been able to draw from it. At the same time they have not shied away from expressing the issues that they have to confront– the primary one being that of getting the blame for the errors not necessarily in their control. For example, in the event of the patients not taking active interest in their own health, under the meaningful use, the primary physician is held responsible. They are even penalized under the healthcare payment models.

Besides getting to learn how to use new technologies like
Customize EMR system, decision support systems and the likes, the capability and skills of the physicians are put under scrutiny. Through the vast amount of data which gets generated, every decision and step taken by physicians who use the system is captured and so is open to analysis at any point in time. This is bound to put pressure on them as they go about their day-to- day work. They are also likely to be very cautious and predictive in the manner in which they function so as to avoid running into trouble. This can prove to be disastrous in those cases which require physicians to try out methods in patient care which are out of the ordinary. The provision to involve patients in the treatment by allowing them to look into the clinical notes also means more skepticism from the fraternity. Their concern is that it will only result in more consumption of time in clearing confusions and in having to explain every detail to their patients as thy are not expected to be well versed in the medical lingo.

Mindfire solutions has been developing IT solutions in Healthcare domain for the past 10+ years. We have a team of certified experts who are aware of the protocols which need to be followed to develop systems with Meaningful Use. To know more about our expertise in
Healthcare software development and to Develop Electronic Medical Records, please contact us at sales at mindfiresolutions dot com or call 1-248-686-1424.

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